Monday 22 August 2011


I always like Australia better when I'm not actually there.

It's easier to not think about the jerks who are doing things like protesting in my city against a tax that's going to end up compensating everyone who deserves compensation, and trying to stop people with matching genitalia from getting married.

When I'm not there, I can pretend that the bogans in Belco mall screeching at their tackily named children are just attentive parents, and imagine that Canberra's ugly cement buildings are pleasing to the eyeballs.

Anyway, one time I always get my Australian nostalgia on is at the supermarket. As a very food-oriented person, I always feel shocked at the lack of endless variety and neverending shiny aisles. Where's the giant shelves full of everything a consumer could want to consume? Weighing and pricing my own fruit and veg before checkout? I don't even know how the frick to do that, which is why the only colourful items in my fridge are a pair of prepackaged capsicums (capsicai?). And packing my own groceries? These checkout workers have no idea how easy they've got it. Also I never know the etiquette, do you start packing and then pay half way through, or leave it all to pile up and deal with it at the end? Mystery.

Obviously in the grand scheme of things this stuff is nothing to get worked up about, (although I do need to figure out the fruit and veg thing or I'll get scurvy) but I think my mindgrapes have shrivelled on the vine because I haven't been at uni since June. However, the new semester starts sooon and if I need a place to do inquisitive smart thinking I've definitely found it.

Just outside my building is this little wooded area that I think has been set up for birdwatching, there are little wooden paths and signs telling you which birds to look out for. It's so cute!

I sat here for a while and watched a woodpecker go to town on a tree! I hope he got some juicy bugs.

That's him, a little käpytikka!

And a little bridge, just incase it wasn't picturesque enough for you already.

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