Wednesday 31 August 2011

Almost a student!

So orientation for exchange students starts tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited to get back into the swing of things. All those beautiful ungraded passes that'll be on my transcript mean that I can basically decide what interests me and spend time and effort on that and just scrape through the rest. My GPA is safe!

Also the suspense has ended: I have a lovely housemate called Giorgia from Italy!

Unfortunately the exchange student res I live at here isn't as super convenient as res in Canberra, where you live literally three minutes away from class, and by the powers of logic, are so close you never actually have to go. There's no direct bus service because apparently whoever is in charge of the bus routes hates uni students, and there's no student discount unless you're going outside the city centre. Weeird.

However, the university more than makes up for this by giving students lunch for €2.50. That includes as much bread and salad as you want, a choice from about 4 main dishes, milk, water and home-made non-alcoholic beer. It's such a strange concept to see grown adults drinking cups of milk for lunch instead of bottles of Coke, no wonder Finns are so beautiful and healthy.

The uni here is so much more supportive of parents studying, yesterday in the cafeteria there were atleast 5 people with babies. They supply high-chairs and everything. Of course, all Finnish babies are cute little blonde munchkins!

I was so excited to see proper fairytale-type red toadstools growing outside and I wanted to take photos, but I have big blisters from doing a lot of walking yesterday. So in the spirit of not putting on shoes and going outside, I ended up taking photos of novel foodstuffs. And a photo of myself sitting at my desk writing this post, just for some variety.

 Super nice Maria from downstairs who I cried to on my first day gave me this 
Finnish chocolate, kind of like a chewy Milkyway with nuts on top.

 Nesquik in a bag - is Nestle Australia afraid we'd reject any powdered
chocolate beverage that's not in a tin? I think it's a good idea.

 Panda chocolate, pretty much the cutest.

Me in my monotone bedroom!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww!!! The photo of you at the end was my FAVOURITE part of this blog adventure! And I especially loved the reminder of the jeans you bought when you were last in my presence. Miss you. X
