Thursday 18 August 2011


I don’t think of myself as someone who’s a slave to technology. I use it because I like it, but I don’t need it (said like a smoker in denial). 

I never have the latest anything; my ipod doesn’t have a touch screen, I didn’t bring my hairdryer on this trip, I see the red mist whenever people diddle with their iphones in social situations, and my laptop is thoroughly tiny and non-impressive. But it turns out, I need the internet to be a functioning human being. Because no-one’s arrived for the new semester yet I’m all on my lonesome, and while Avocado is my beloved friend he’s more interested in squirrel baiting and polar bear hunting than doing entertaining dances for me and procuring map directions. 

As an organisation freak, I like to know stuff. I like to know which bus goes where, how often, how much it costs, how many stops until mine, helpful landmarks along the way, where I catch it for the return trip, etc, etc, all before I’ve set a foot outside my front door. But with no internet I just have to wing it, which is a bit scary for me. But that’s what I had to do, and it worked out alright. The bus driver may have laughed at me when I tried to say Porokatu (my r’s don’t know how to roll) and I may have tried to flag down a school bus, but I got into the city and found places to buy a pillow, a blanket and some groceries.

In the end I gave up on the free internet here and forked out the cashola to buy my very own internet stick. Being connected again has made me 5,000% happier!

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